The latest news articles featuring BC Centre on Substance Use.


Is it time to end the war on drugs?
April 18, 2016 | IFL Science

Drugshave beencast as the enemy in a global “war”over public health andmorality, while behind closed doors levels of narcotic use continue to rise – along with themanydangersassociated with their consumption. On the eve of a United NationsGeneralAssembly Special Session (UNGASS), w...

Supreme Court of Canada strikes down mandatory minimum sentencing law for drug traffickers
April 15, 2016 | VICE News

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled mandatory minimum sentences for repeat drug traffickers are unconstitutional. The decision, one of two released Friday morning, overturns a policy brought in under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper that forced judges to hand down a minimum of one year in jail...

BC prisoners get addiction therapy after settlement in charter challenge
April 15, 2016 | 680 News

VANCOUVER – Prisoners struggling with opiate addictions in British Columbia jails have gained the same right to medical treatment as people outside the corrections system. BC Corrections has implemented a new policy after four men who alleged they were denied opiate replacement therapy launche...

Pulse FM: Interview with Pauline Voon on BC’s opioid crisis
April 13, 2016 | Pulse FM

Kash Heed speaks with Pauline Voon, who totes an impressive resume as a Registered Nurse, Research Associate with the Addiction and Urban Health Research Initiative, Addiction Nursing Fellow with the St. Paul’s Hospital Goldcorp Fellowship in Addiction Medicine, and Doctoral Student in the Sch...

Opioids: A national crisis needs a federal response
April 11, 2016 | The Globe and Mail

Pauline Voon is a Registered Nurse and research associate at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and doctoral student in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. On March 7, Health Minister Jane Philpott received a letter from U.S. senators urging Canad...
BC Centre on Substance Use

400-1045 Howe St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2A9

E: [email protected] | T: (778) 945-7616 | F: (604) 428-5183

24/7 Addiction Clinician Support Line: (778) 945-7619

Online Addiction Medicine Diploma: [email protected].

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