Ti L, Kerr T The impact of harm reduction on HIV and illicit drug use Harm Reduction Journal, 2014. PubMed

Montaner JSG, Lima VD, Harrigan PR, Lourenço L, Yip B, Nosyk B, Wood E, Kerr T, Shannon K, Moore D, Hogg RS, Barrios R, Gilbert M, Krajden M, Gustafson R, Daly P, Kendall P Expansion of HAART coverage is associated with sustained decreases in HIV/AIDS morbidity, mortality and HIV transmission: the “HIV treatment as prevention” experience in a Canadian setting PLoS ONE, 2014. PubMed

Ti L, Hayashi K, Kaplan K, Suwannawong P, Wood E, Kerr T Groin injecting among a community-recruited sample of people who inject drugs in Thailand Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2014. PubMed

Kerr T, Socías ME, Sued O HIV infection among transgender women: challenges and opportunities Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, 2014. Link

Lyons T, Kerr T, Duff P, Feng C, Shannon K Youth, violence and non-injection drug use: nexus of vulnerabilities among lesbian and bisexual sex workers AIDS Care, 2014. PubMed

Lima VD, Kerr T, Wood E, Kozai T, Salters KA, Hogg RS, Montaner JS The effect of history of injection drug use and alcoholism on HIV disease progression AIDS Care, 2014. PubMed

Uhlmann S, DeBeck K, Simo A, Kerr T, Montaner J, Wood E Crystal methamphetamine initiation among street-involved youth American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2014. PubMed

Voon P, Callon C, Nguyen P, Dobrer S, Montaner J, Wood E, Kerr T Self-management of pain among people who inject drugs in Vancouver Pain Management, 2014. PubMed

Kerr T, Hayashi K, Ti L, Kaplan K, Suwannawong P, Wood E The impact of compulsory drug detention exposure on the avoidance of healthcare among injection drug users in Thailand International Journal of Drug Policy, 2014. PubMed

Knight R, Shoveller J, Greyson D, Kerr T, Gilbert M, Shannon K Advancing population and public health ethics regarding HIV testing: a scoping review Critical Public Health, 2014. Link