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Marshall BDL, Elston B, Dobrer S, Parashar S, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Kerr T, Wood E, Milloy MJ The population impact of eliminating homelessness on HIV viral suppression among people who use drugs AIDS, 2016. PubMed

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Hayashi K, Dong H, Marshall BD, Milloy MJ, Montaner JS, Wood E, Kerr T Sex-based differences in rates, causes and predictors of death among injection drug users in Vancouver, Canada Am J Epidemiol, 2016. PubMed

Lee WK, Milloy MJ, Walsh J, Nguyen P, Wood E, Kerr T Psychosocial factors in adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive people who use drugs Health Psychol, 2016. PubMed

Young S, Wood E, Ahamad K Pharmacotherapy for alcohol addiction in a patient with alcoholic cirrhosis and massive upper gastrointestinal bleed: a case study Drug Alcohol Rev, 2016. PubMed