New guideline urges doctors to regularly screen for alcohol use disorder

published on October 16, 2023 by Camille Bains in Toronto Star

New guidance to help family doctors detect and manage high-risk drinking addresses a crucial gap in knowledge among both patients and doctors, say its authors, who warn that a common practice to prescribe antidepressants can actually induce cravings for alcohol.

The advice is comprised of 15 recommendations on early detection of alcohol use disorder, withdrawal management, psychological interventions and community-based programs.

It urges routine screening for alcohol use and includes tips on what to avoid, such as prescribing antidepressants without ruling out problematic alcohol use first because selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can worsen alcoholism symptoms.

“A lot of Canadian doctors prescribe SSRIs,” said Jürgen Rehm, co-chair of the guideline writing committee…

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