Knowledge brokers funded to support research uptake

published on October 21, 2015 in Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research

Two research teams pursuing innovative health solutions will be supported to implement knowledge translation strategies through MSFHR’s 2015 Supplemental Knowledge Broker Funding Competition.

The competition, held in partnership with the Wall Solutions Initiative (WSI), will fund the hiring of knowledge brokers who will engage with diverse stakeholders and use knowledge translation models, strategies, and activities to enhance the use of health research evidence in policy and practice.

The two teams approved to receive supplemental knowledge broker funding are both undertaking health-related projects funded by WSI that will partner with end-users or community partners to develop practical research solutions to societal problems. It is expected that the knowledge brokers funded through this competition will be embedded within the WSI projects to develop, implement, and evaluate the use of knowledge translation strategies and activities.

Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Social Assistance Timing on Drug-Related Harm

  • Principal investigator: Dr. Lindsey Richardson, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, UBC
  • Community partner/End-user organization: Mr. Russ Maynard, Harm Reduction Manager, PHS Community Services Society; Mr. Kevin Grant, Project Manager, Pigeon Park Savings

Project summary:

Coordinated monthly social assistance payments, while seeking to alleviate poverty, can have negative and unintended impacts, particularly among people who use illicit drugs (PWUD). Observational research has identified escalations in drug-related harm coinciding with assistance payments, such as overdose, treatment interruption and hospital admissions.

This project seeks to address these harms through an intervention to vary the timing and frequency of social assistance disbursement and an assessment of whether this intervention reduces drug-related harm coinciding with synchronized social assistance. Conducted among 273 PWUD, participants will be allocated for 6 social assistance cycles to a control or one of two intervention arms.

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