207 lives lost to illicit toxic drugs in B.C. in first month of 2022: coroner

published on March 11, 2022 by Bridgette Watson in CBC News

British Columbia’s horrifying illicit drug overdose crisis continues to claim several lives every day, with the latest statistics from the B.C. Coroners Service showing 207 people died in January due to toxic substances.

The numbers, released Friday, reflect the third highest number of deaths recorded in a calendar month — an average of more than six deaths every day.

January is the fourth consecutive month in which more than 200 lives were suspected lost to the illicit drug supply. In November and December, 210 and 215 deaths were recorded, respectively, averaging about seven deaths per day.

In 2021, a total of 2,224 illicit-drug deaths were recorded, making it the deadliest year to date. The latest numbers show 2022 could be on track to be as, or more, catastrophic.

The majority of people dying, according to the data, are males between the ages of 30 and 59, while 85 per cent of the deaths occurred indoors…

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