New podcast on addiction medicine launched to support the province’s primary care providers

published on September 22, 2020

The BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) has launched the first series of Addiction Practice Pod, a podcast focusing on addiction and substance use care for health care providers in British Columbia and Yukon.

As one component of the collaborative online educational program the BC ECHO on Substance Use, Addiction Practice Pod will offer practical tips and guidance to health care providers seeking to improve their skills in addiction care.

Hosted by Dr. Christy Sutherland, a family doctor and addiction physician in the Downtown Eastside, and David Ball, a journalist covering BC’s overdose crisis, the first series of six Addiction Practice Pod episodes will support primary care providers to deliver evidence-based, compassionate, trauma- and violence-informed care to patients with substance use disorders.

The first episode, launching today, explores what “recovery” means to different people and how clinicians can help patients to meet their recovery goals.

By listening to interviews with researchers, practitioners and people with lived experience, health care providers will build their knowledge of evidence-based practices, get tips on how to integrate them into their care setting, and improve outcomes for clients and their families.

“Providing care for substance use disorders can be so rewarding, but many care providers do not feel equipped to do so because of a lack of formal training,” says Cheyenne Johnson, interim co-executive director at the BCCSU. “This podcast provides practical tips on how to integrate substance use care into practice, and in an easily accessible way. Along with the live, virtual educational sessions delivered using the Project ECHO model, Addiction Practice Pod aims to give primary care providers the tools they need to identify and manage substance use disorders and support patients and their families.”

This six-episode series will cover other topics such as trauma- and violence-informed practice, caring for youth with substance use disorders and challenging the harms of criminalization. A new episode will launch every second Tuesday until December 1, 2020.

This project is funded by Health Canada and the GPSC, a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC.

Listen to the first episode here: