About the BCCSU

The BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) is a provincially networked organization with a mandate to develop, help implement, and evaluate evidence-based approaches to substance use and addiction. Building on the extensive efforts of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, the BCCSU’s vision is to transform substance use policies and care in BC by translating research into education and evidence-based care guidance. By supporting the collaborative development of evidence-based policies, guidelines and standards, BCCSU seeks to improve the integration of best practices and care across the continuum of substance use, thereby serving all British Columbians.

The BCCSU seeks to achieve these goals through integrated activities of its three core functions: research and evaluation, education and training, and clinical care guidance.

Research —Leading an innovative multidisciplinary program of research, monitoring, evaluation and quality improvement activities to guide health system improvements in the area of substance use.

Education and Training—Strengthening addiction medicine education activities across disciplines, academic institutions and health authorities, and training the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders in addiction medicine.

Clinical Care Guidance—Developing and helping implement evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, treatment pathways and other practice support documents.

Vision, Mission, and Values

Our Vision

Transform substance use policy and care in BC through the integration of evidence based education, research and care.


The BCCSU’s mission is to provide provincial leadership in substance use and addiction research, education and clinical care guidance and to seamlessly integrate these pillars to help shape a comprehensive, connected system of treatment and care that reaches all British Columbians.


Advancing, Seeking and Sharing of Knowledge

The Centre will support primary and secondary prevention, health promotion, clinical care, education, training and research initiatives that contribute to the knowledge and understanding of substance use and addiction, and will seek every opportunity to share this knowledge widely.


Substance use presents a range of complex issues that require a range of stakeholders who engage effectively with communities. The BCCSU places great value on active collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including health care professionals and other care providers, policy makers, people who use substances, family advocacy and support groups and service providers in primary, acute care settings and recovery-oriented system of care. The Centre regularly seeks the advice and active participation of knowledge holders in designing, implementing and disseminating its core functions.


The Centre will support and empower individuals, families and communities to live better lives with dignity and to support and enable positive change.

Evidence, Excellence, and Quality

The BCCSU, through its affiliates, care providers, researchers, educators, leadership and staff; will strive for excellence and quality through innovation, adherence to the highest scientific and ethical standards to promote evidence-based practices.


The Centre will play an advocacy role for positive and evidence-based public policy change, reducing stigma and supporting patients and their families.

Mutual Respect and Equity

The Centre will value and respect all members of its communities, each of whom individually and collaboratively makes a contribution to transforming care, education, training and research in this area.

BC Centre on Substance Use

400-1045 Howe St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2A9

E: [email protected] | T: (778) 945-7616 | F: (604) 428-5183

24/7 Addiction Clinician Support Line: (778) 945-7619

Online Addiction Medicine Diploma: [email protected].

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