Fentanyl crisis: Easier access to Suboxone urgently needed, experts say

published on January 29, 2016 by Natalie Clancy and Yvette Brend in CBC News

“We’re losing the battle” mom says after ten-fold increase in BC fentanyl deaths

Deb Bailey’s daughter”Izzy” could order heroin likepizzabut struggled to getSuboxone, an opiate-blocker often prescribed with restrictions – restrictions that may haveplayed akey role in herfentanyloverdose this Christmas.

“A drug dealer will deliver drugs to your door in 5 minutes.It’s easier than getting pizza. Yet we make the treatment for people much more difficult to get,”said the 21-year-old’s mother.

Bailey saysher daughter- born Elyse Ola Marybutknown to most as “Izzy,”would not have been using street drugsif she hadeasier access to thedrug that stopped her cravings for heroin and prevented withdrawalsymptoms.

‘Trying to keep this kid alive’

BC’s College of Physicians and Surgeons recommends “daily witnessed ingestion (DWI) for the first two months“oruntil the patient is stable,but Bailey said that is “unrealistic.”

“We expect them to be organized. To be able to get down to the drug store. To enter the pharmacy. Well the pull of addiction is much stronger than all of those things,” said Bailey.

Bailey said she pleaded with her daughter’s addiction physician-specialist to allow her and her husband “carry” Izzy’s pills home because daily pharmacy visits were humiliating.

“Isaidto him,’I’m just trying to keep this kid alive’…You know that she’s overdosed before,” Bailey said.

The doctor “shrugged” andrefused,andIzzyreturned to heroin, she added.

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